Donations for Individuals
Any person who wants to have a computer donated to them, should fit into our eligibility criteria set out in our constitution e.g. youth organizations, charitable organizations, single parents, unemployed with school aged children, people with disabilities, and voluntary charitable organizations. However if someone is in a temporary situation where help with a PC is needed we will consider it.
Requests for computers or charitable help can be made by an organization by emailing details to the Muscateers at [email protected]. All requests are decided on an individual basis and the decision is made by a committee.
Mandurah Muscateers student support program jointly managed through the YouthCare organisation has donated over $300,000 as at March 2024 to over 400 school student initiatives e.g school uniforms, school books, student camps, swimming classes etc.
The average donation to students is over $160/student
Donating to Muscateers
Anyone can come into the Muscateers and donate computer related equipment. If there are a lot of things being donated, you can contact us via email or phone to discuss a meeting place and time so that we can arrange to pick up the donated goods with our van. Please email your details to [email protected]
When computers are donated to us, we place them in a secure area where they are sorted through and asset labelled. It is then decided what will happen with the equipment; such as being donated or sold.
Unserviceable or equipment that is too old is stripped of any usable parts and put aside for our recycler to collect. We offer a disk sanitizing service using premium software Active KillDisk from LSoft Technologies that securely erases all data on disk and solid state drives according to the Department of Treasury and Finance Guidelines. Once a drive has been wiped, they are ready to be used on a refurbished machine. If requested, we can send a data destruction certificate to you. Usually drives are wiped while still in the computer, however in some cases; the drives are taken out and placed into 1 of 3 designated computers that have hot swappable drive bays installed. Unusable drives are physically destroyed and disposed of. |